Saturday, February 14, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game


In a Nutshell

Well it has almost been a year since we updated this thing so Brett and I thought we would try and actually get things going. A lot has changed in a year, first we got married June 29th at Arrowhead Golf Course. It was one of the most beautiful days in the most beautiful settings. The wedding was unbelievable and we are so blessed to have each other and amazing friends and family. 

After the wedding we flew around the world to Fiji for the honeymoon. Talk about an amazing experience. We hiked, swam, snorkeled, kayaked, ate, slept and enjoyed being with each other. You really learn God's glory when you go to a place like that. 

When we got back from the honeymoon, it was all business. I had to get back to work while Brett and some friends and family gutted and refinished the kitchen. It looked so beautiful when it was finished. We are so blessed to have such great people in our lives. 

With the kitchen finally done we put the house on the market and to our surprise it sold in 4 days!!!! God is good to us. 

That brings us up to present day. Brett and I are currently looking for houses and living with Brett's parents. It has been so much fun being here with them. They are wonderful giving people who have really helped us out during our transition. 

Well that is our life in a nutshell. Hopefully we will keep updates more current in the future. :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another first

Here is our first posting and we're happy to be able to share our lives with everyone. We are only about 3 months away from our wedding in June and we're really excited about it and our lives starting together. I hope you all will enjoy the pictures and comments we leave about our exciting lives! Love you all so much!